65-75 days. Snap, Shell, or Dry Bean Broad Windsor Fava Beans are upright, strong, and tall 2-4′ plants produce good yields broad, 1″ wide pods, 6-8″ in length filled with very large beans (often as big as a U.S. Quarter Dollar coin). The Broad Windsor Fava Beans have a flavor that is similar to a blend of limas and peas, but are more nutritious than limas.
Fava Bean Planting Instructions
Fava beans are hardy cool season plants that can tolerate some frost but do not tolerate heat (above 70°F) well. Direct plant seeds in spring as soon as soil can be worked, 1” deep, 4-6” apart, in rows 18-30” apart, in full sun . Germination occurs in 5-10 days in soil 60-70°F. Thin plants to 8-10” apart. In mild winter climates favas can be fall planted for spring harvest. Harvest as snap beans when seeds in pods are the size of a pea. For shelling beans harvest when the pods are thick and well-filled with seeds, while the pods are still green. For dry beans, leave pods on plants until pods are dry, brown, and crisp, and beans are hard and rattle in pod.
How long does it take for Broad Windsor Fava Beans to mature?
These beans typically mature in 65-75 days, making them a relatively quick-growing option.
How large do fava bean plants and pods grow?
The plants are tall, reaching 2-4 feet, with broad pods that are about 1 inch wide and 6-8 inches long, containing very large beans.
What does the flavor of Broad Windsor Fava Beans resemble?
The beans have a flavor similar to a mix of limas and peas but are more nutritious than lima beans.
How versatile are Broad Windsor Fava Beans in cooking?
They can be used as snap beans, shell beans, or dry beans, offering flexibility in various dishes.
How large are individual fava bean seeds?
The beans are quite large, often as big as a U.S. Quarter Dollar coin, making them a substantial addition to meals.
James K. (verified owner) –
Sheila (verified owner) –
Nice packaging and good information. I think I waited too late to plant these for fall ground cover so I will plant them next year.
Anonymous (verified owner) –