Collards – Champion

(3 customer reviews)


SKU: CoCha Category:


250 Seeds per pack

(Brassica oleracea L. Acephala ) 75 days.       Champion Open Pollinated Collards have large dark green leaves that are slightly crumbled with a mild cabbage like flavor. Plants are very vigorous and frost tolerant. Champion Collards are great for spring or summer greens.

Planting Instructions for Champion Collards Seeds

Heirloom Champion Collards are a cold hardy member of the cabbage family. Collards can be started from seed in early Spring when the soil temperature has reached 55-75°F, about 6-8 weeks before last frost, or for a Fall crop, plant mid-June to mid-July. Plant Collard seeds in full sun, ½” deep, a few seeds together (or more thickly if you want to use thinned young plants for an early crop), every 18-24″, in rows 18-24″ apart. Collards seeds should germinate in 5-17 days. When Collard plants reach 3″, thin to the strongest plant in each group 18-24″ apart. Start picking individual Collard leaves about 2 mos. after planting. Harvest Collards as needed, or pick and store in the refrigerator for a few days max. Collards usually survive into winter, down to 10°F, for a continued harvest. Collards tend to taste best after some frost exposure in fall!

3 reviews for Collards – Champion

  1. Sarah C. (verified owner)

    Nicely packaged and shipping was great!

  2. Gregory Manglitz Sr (verified owner)

    Delicious collards, my wife loves them. Easy to grow.

  3. Sally (verified owner)

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