Why Heirloom and Open Pollinated seeds?
That is a very important question today. Heirloom and open pollinated seeds and their preservation and continuation are vital to the future of us all. As more and more seeds are being genetically modified these days, and hybrids are flooding the market, true-to-type home grown heirloom and open pollinated seeds are in danger of extinction. Some of the major seed companies want to control the seed market and force people to return to them for their vegetable garden seeds.
We must not allow this trend to win out. Hybrids and GMOs are geared to modern agriculture's mass productions. They aim to produce higher yields and more uniform size and maturity times of fruits and plants. These features do not matter to the average home-gardener or small market grower. In this focus on breeding for specific characteristics that is geared to mass production, much has been lost in the flavor and nutrition department, with unhealthy side effects for us all.
Our mission here at St. Clare Heirloom Seeds is to take part in the movement to reverse this trend for ourselves, and you our customers. Do you remember those delicious heirloom vegetables out of your grandmother's garden? How about how fun it was to plant those heirloom and open pollinated seeds with her, as she told you how those seeds had been passed down from generation to generation? Nothing tastes better than those old-fashioned heirloom vegetables, straight out of the garden, or your own harvest preserved and stored and brought out on a cold winter day, for all to enjoy. We want to provide you with the best heirloom vegetable seeds, pure, healthy, non-GMO, non-hybrid, untreated, and true-to-type! Our desire is to ensure that generations to come will enjoy the experience of gardening with heirloom and open pollinated seeds. That those who follow us will enjoy the wonderful old-fashioned flavor and goodness of home grown heirloom and open-pollinated vegetables, and experience the wonder of the cycle of gardening with open-pollinated seeds. Plant the seed, watch it grow, feed it, water it, select seeds from the best heirloom fruit, carefully save the seeds and store them, waiting expectantly for next year's gardening season to come around, and start the process all over again, growing the same great vegetable variety you love.
The health benefits of growing with heirloom and open pollinated seeds are great, as well. The seeds are safe and healthy, and when you grow them in your own backyard, free of chemicals and pesticides, you know right where they came from and that they are chemical-FREE! Besides the nutritional value of the fruits you grow, you get exercise and fresh air when gardening, both very important to healthy living. And if you garden together as a family you can slow down a bit from the daily grind, and enjoy each other, teaching your young ones the value of good healthy hard work, and getting to know them better.
We pledge to do our very best to serve you, helping to make your heirloom gardening experience truly enjoyable. It is our desire that you will be well pleased with our products, our service, and your experience ordering from us.
We ask you to join us in passing on the tradition of growing and saving your own heirloom and open pollinated seeds. Let us work together to preserve our heritage, ensuring genetic diversity in vegetable seeds, and reassurance of true-to-type reproduction in our heirloom plants, for our children, grandchildren, and generations on down the line!
Let us unite to preserve the freedoms intended for us by our forefathers who lived, and fought, and died that we might enjoy the rights so dear to us all. God Bless America!