Green Tomato Seeds
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Determinate vs. Indeterminate? You may have seen these terms and wondered what they mean. On our product listing descriptions you’ll see the tomatoes referred to with either of these terms. The simple answer is Indeterminate tomatoes run through the whole season, producing fruit longer, whereas, determinate varieties set fruit in a short time frame. They reach maturity, and the plants stop growing, and set fruit in a nice short spurt of time, making them perfect varieties for canning, so you get a bunch of tomatoes all at the same time, and can get them canned up into your favorite recipes.
Indeterminate heirloom tomatoes plants grow much bigger, with long vines, and determinate varieties are more of a bush, stopping growth sooner.
All tomato plants are vines but indeterminate tomatoes grow much longer than determinate varieties. If left to their natural tendencies, tomato vines can become a damp, tangled mess on the soil, where they attract diseases and pests. For this reason, it really benefits your heirloom tomatoes using stakes, cages, or trellises to support the plants as they grow bigger.
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Tomato – Green Zebra
(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 75-80 days The Green Zebra Tomato is an indeterminate plant, producing lots of 2-4 oz. tomatoes, bright green(golden at maturity) with dark green stripes. Favorite for eating fresh, rich and sweet with a tangy bite to it.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Heirloom Rainbow Blend
(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 80-100 days The Heirloom Rainbow Blend is perfect for the beginning gardener who can’t decide which variety of heirlooms to start with. Also, a nice addition for the experienced gardener who wants to try different varieties this year.
25 Seeds per pack
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