Pepper Seeds, Sweet
Tip: Sweet bell peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and stronger flavored.
Showing all 12 results
Sweet Pepper – California Wonder 300
(Capsicum annum) 73-76 days. The California Wonder 300 Sweet Bell Peppers reach 4-4½” in length by 3½-4″ wide. Fruits are blocky and 4 lobed, turning from a glossy dark green to red at maturity. Excellent at either the green or red stage.
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Chocolate Bell
(Capsicum annum) 78 days. This extraordinary sweet bell pepper has chocolate brown skin but the flesh is red. They are smooth, tapered, medium-small, snub nosed bells with a very mild flavor.
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Emerald Giant
(Capsicum annum) 72-80 days. Selected for it’s erect habit and heavy yields. These bell peppers are blocky, 4 lobed, and thick fleshed, growing to 4-4½” in length by 3½” wide. Great fresh, in salads, roasted, or stuffed and baked.
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Golden California Wonder
(Capsicum annum) 72 days. Heirloom Golden California Wonder Sweet Pepper is a California Wonder Sweet Pepper type producing thick walled green to golden yellow to deep orange fruit. Fruit is smooth and glossy colored.
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Jupiter
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Orange King
(Capsicum annum) 90 days. Heirloom Orange King Sweet Pepper are blocky, thick walled, 3-4 lobed, 3 1/2 to 4″ orange colored bell pepper. Great flavor. If you want to add some color to your sweet bell pepper mix, this one will do it.
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Purple Beauty
(Capsicum annum) 70-75 days. The Purple Beauty Sweet Bell Pepper produces lovely fruits, staring out an emerald green, and turning to a beautiful eggplant purple when ready to eat, finishing out as a deep red when at full maturity.
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Rainbow Bell Blend
(Capsicum annum) 70-80 days. An excellent blend of colorful peppers: green, red, yellow, orange, and purple. Great for either a market garden or home garden.
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Sunbright
(Capsicum annum) 75 days. Heirloom Sunbright Sweet Pepper yields 5″ to 7″ fruit with thick walls. Sunbright peppers start green and then turning to a nice yellow color. Nice high yielding sweet pepper that is great for the home garden or a roadside stand.
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Sweet Banana
(Capsicum annum) 58-75 days. Heirloom Sweet Banana Pepper fruits average 5.5″ long by 1.5″ wide with a tapered blunt point. Sweet Banana pepper is medium, thick walled, light yellow and turns to red when mature.
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Sweet Cherry
(Capsicum annum) 78 days. Sweet Cherry Sweet Peppers have cherry shaped fruit and are red in color when ripe. Sweet Cherry bushy upright 20″ plants bear heavily.
25 Seeds per pack
Sweet Pepper – Yolo Wonder
(Capsicum annum) 78 days. Yolo Wonder Sweet Pepper is a vigorous, mostly upright plant that adapts well to most areas and climates. Yolo Wonder fruits are blocky, very mild, sweet, thick walled and are 4.25″ by 3.75″ in size.
25 Seeds per pack
Showing all 12 results