Pink and Purple Tomato Seeds
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Determinate vs. Indeterminate? You may have seen these terms and wondered what they mean. On our product listing descriptions you’ll see the tomatoes referred to with either of these terms. The simple answer is Indeterminate tomatoes run through the whole season, producing fruit longer, whereas, determinate varieties set fruit in a short time frame. They reach maturity, and the plants stop growing, and set fruit in a nice short spurt of time, making them perfect varieties for canning, so you get a bunch of tomatoes all at the same time, and can get them canned up into your favorite recipes.
Indeterminate heirloom tomatoes plants grow much bigger, with long vines, and determinate varieties are more of a bush, stopping growth sooner.
All tomato plants are vines but indeterminate tomatoes grow much longer than determinate varieties. If left to their natural tendencies, tomato vines can become a damp, tangled mess on the soil, where they attract diseases and pests. For this reason, it really benefits your heirloom tomatoes using stakes, cages, or trellises to support the plants as they grow bigger.
Showing all 12 results
Tomato – Anna Russian
$3.47View ProductAdd to cart(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 65-80 days A typical oxheart variety with lovely wispy indeterminate vine plants, bearing small delicate foliage, often making the unsuspecting believe the plant is dead. Mild and sweet flavor with a hint of tang to it.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Arkansas Traveler
$3.45View ProductAdd to cart(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 80-90 days Bears abundantly all through the heat of Summer! Excellent for fresh eating, canning, drying, and salsa, too. Plants are indeterminate. Disease Resistant.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Beefsteak Pink
$3.45View ProductAdd to cart(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 65-90 days
(a.k.a. German Beefsteak or African Beefsteak) 65-90 days Pink Beefsteak are very large, meaty, non-acid with almost no seeds. Fruit are a deep crimson pink in color. Plants are indeterminate.25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Beefsteak Watermelon
$3.45View ProductAdd to cart(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 75 days
Watermelon Beefsteak tomato is an old heirloom that dates back to the 1800's. Huge fruits are meaty and weighing about 2 lbs. Plants are indeterminate and like to sprawl.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Bradley
$3.45View ProductAdd to cart(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 75-95 days Fruit ripens in large numbers over a fairly concentrated time period, making it a great variety for canning and freezing, yet, tastes great sliced as well. Plants are determinate.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Brandywine Pink
$3.47View ProductAdd to cart(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 80-90 days The Brandywine Pink Heirloom Tomato has won countless taste contests with it's outstanding rich flavor, and creamy aftertaste, sought after by gardeners and connoisseurs year after year. Indeterminate.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Cherokee Purple
$3.99View ProductAdd to cart(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 80-90 days Considered by many to be one of the best tasting heirloom tomatoes, flavor is smooth and sweet. Relatively short indeterminate plants produce 6-8 oz. fruits, with somewhat thick skin, but a soft tender inside.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Dutchman
$3.47View ProductRead more(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 80 days Dutchman Heirloom Open Pollinated Tomato is an old strain that yields large purplish pink Non - Acid fruits that have a mild flavor and almost solid meat. Dutchman is Indeterminate.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Heirloom Rainbow Blend
$3.99View ProductAdd to cart(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 80-100 days The Heirloom Rainbow Blend is perfect for the beginning gardener who can't decide which variety of heirlooms to start with. Also, a nice addition for the experienced gardener who wants to try different varieties this year.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Mortgage Lifter
$3.47View ProductAdd to cart(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 83 days Mortgage Lifter Heirloom Tomato is a long time favorite with good yields of very large, smooth, pink skinned fruit. Mortgage Lifter is very meaty with a good mild taste even in droughts. Indeterminate.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Pruden’s Purple
$3.45View ProductAdd to cart(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 65-85 days Considered one of the greatest rediscovered heirloom tomatoes. Plants are indeterminate and like to sprawl, can grow rather large. Widely Adapted.
25 Seeds per pack
Tomato – Soldacki
$3.47View ProductRead more(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) 75 days Soldacki Tomato is an old heirloom that comes all the way from Poland. Yields an intensely sweet dark pink fruit that can get up to 1 lb. Fruits have a firm flesh and are low acid. Soldacki is Indeterminate.
25 Seeds per pack
Showing all 12 results