This Garden Planner is a handy, easy-to-use, planning tool for the home and hobby gardener. The chart shows proper indoor and outdoor planting times relative to average spring and fall killing frost dates for (22) common garden vegetables, and provides basic planting data. The frost date adjusts, making St. Clare’s garden planner useful in most parts of the country, where frost is a critical gardening factor. The “Time Phased” format allows the gardener to visualize the sequence of events for planting and harvest activities. Seeding info provided on the slide makes the chart a great shopping aid, and useful planting guide at the garden site.
What is the St. Clare Garden Planner?
The St. Clare Garden Planner is a user friendly tool designed for home and hobby gardeners. It provides a chart indicating optimal indoor and outdoor planting times for 22 common garden vegetables, based on average spring and fall frost dates.
How does the Garden Planner adjust for different frost dates?
The planner adjusts planting schedules relative to your area's average frost dates, making it applicable across various regions where frost impacts gardening activities.
What additional information does the Garden Planner offer?
Beyond planting times, the planner includes basic planting data for each vegetable, serving as a helpful reference during both the planning and planting stages of your garden.
Is the Garden Planner suitable for beginners?
Yes, its straightforward design makes it accessible for novice gardeners, assisting them in organizing and timing their planting activities effectively.
How can I purchase the St. Clare Garden Planner?
The planner is available for purchase on the St. Clare Heirloom Seeds website. You can add it to your cart and proceed through the online checkout process.
Terri (verified owner) –
Big help!
Sheila (verified owner) –
Very handy tool for the garden and keeping track of when to plant what! I will keep this with my seeds to help stay on track with my planting.
Emily P. (verified owner) –
Thank you!
Sarah C. (verified owner) –
Great and nice sized planner! Price was very reasonable as well. I am so excited to use this!
Christina (verified owner) –
Very handy reference
Gary Cook (verified owner) –
Elizabeth Richards (verified owner) –
Very easy to understand! I cannot wait for my winter garden!