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How to use Worm Castings

Worm castings are the most nutrient rich fertilizer known to man. - St. Clare Heirloom Seeds

How to use Worm Castings

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New uses for worm castings are being discovered everyday. Indoors or outdoors, in the ground or in containers, earthworm castings from St. Clare Heirloom Seeds are for your entire heirloom garden.

How to use Worm Castings - St. Clare Heirloom Seeds
How to use worm castings is a popular question. New uses for worm castings are being discovered everyday.

How to use Worm Castings Indoors:
Worm Castings can be added to potting soil or mixed into the soil of house plants that are existing. They can also be top dressed on household and inside plants and the nutrients will soak down thru the soil each time they get watered. Repeat every 2 – 3 months as the plants use up the nutrients.

Worm Castings can be used when starting your seeds indoors. The size and growth of vegetable seedlings and transplants will be noticeable improved with the use of Worm Castings. Mix 1 part to 3 part soil or seed starting mix.

In the Garden:
When using in the garden, spread and incorporate them into the surface soil levels of your raised beds. Use anywhere from 1″ to 4″. Worm Castings can also be added to the bottom of the planting hole when setting out transplants, or worked into the soil surrounding established flowers and heirloom vegetables. When planting seeds, put a handful of in each hole and plant your seed. Side dress with Worm Castings during the growing season at a rate of 1/2 cup per plant every 2 months. Worm Castings are gentle enough not to burn your heirloom seeds or the roots of your plants.

Established Roses:
Mix 4 cups of Worm Castings into the soil 2 – 3 inches below surface of each rose bush. You can also top dress the roses if you are afraid of damaging the roots.

Work in 1 cup of worm castings into the soil above the roots, taking care not to damage them. Apply in Spring, early Summer and early Fall. If you are afraid of damaging the roots you can also top dress. They will not burn your heirloom plants if it touches them.

Compost Pile:
Spread a thin layer of Worm Castings in between every new layer of compost. The worm castings help to start the composting action going.

New Lawns:
Apply 10 Lbs. of Worm Castings per 100 sq. ft. of lawn. Work into the top 2″ of the topsoil, then mix in your grass seed and water well.

Established Lawns:
Broadcast Worm Castings as a topdress at a rate of 10 lbs Worm Castings per 100 Sq. feet of lawn.

Trees, Shrubs and Berries Mix 1 part Worm Castings to 3 part soil. Dig your hole and surround the hole with the mixture. Then make a mound of the mixture in the center of the hole and spread the plants roots over the mound. Then fill the rest of the hole with topsoil.

Worm Casting Tea:
You can make Worm Castings into a tea for your heirloom garden. There are two ways to do this:


  • Soak a few tablespoons of Worm Castings in a gallon of water overnight. The tea can then be strained, diluted, and used to water house and garden plants, or be sprayed onto their leaves as a foliar fertilizer.
  • Get a bucket and fill it 1/5th of the way with worm castings and the rest of the way with water. Add some molasses and kelp powder and, stir and aerate by pouring back and forth between two pails. Do this twice a day for 5 days and let it sit in a warm place. Use the tea for watering your plants or spray on their leaves.