Non-GMO Heirloom and Open-Pollinated Garden Seeds

Sow the Seeds of Yesterday, Enjoy the Gardens of Tomorrow!

Sign Up For Our Newsletter and Get 20% Off Your First Order! - Click Here! (Coupon not valid for Bulk Seed or Seed Collections, as Collections are already discounted.)

God Bless America, Land of the Free! For God and Country!

We are Pro-God, Pro-Life, and Pro-America! We Support the 2nd Amendment, Our Troops and Veterans, Our Police Officers, First Responders, and All Politicians Who Truly Believe in and Work for All of the Above and Who Fight for the Freedoms Our Country Was Founded Upon!

Viva Cristo Rey! (Long Live Christ the King!)

God Bless America, Land of the Free! For God and Country!

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Join St. Clare Heirloom Seeds Loyalty Rewards Program and start earning today! When you sign up for our free program, you’ll receive 10 points for every $1 spent on any purchase. It’s our way of saying thank you for your continued trust and support. There’s no catch—just rewards! Sign up now and let us show you how much we appreciate your business.

When one packet isn't enough!

For that extra large garden or market garden. We now sell bulk packs of Beans, Corn, and Peas in amounts of 1/4 lb, 1/2 lb and 1 lb!  Click Here

Bulk Seeds - St. Clare Heirloom Seeds


Even though small in size, they are chock full of nutrients, often containing more density of vitamins and minerals than larger and more mature vegetable greens. Click Here!

Microgreens - St. Clare Heirloom Seeds

Build Your Own Custom/À la carte Seed Vault

The Custom/ Á La Carte Seed vaults are a BPA-Free, food grade pail/bucket with a sealable lid, we include packets of moisture absorbers/desiccant for long-term storage. The Vault does not contain seeds by itself. You add seeds to cart besides this, and we make up the seed vault. Click Here

Build Your Own Custom Seed Vault - St. Clare Heirloom SeedsKeep seeds in a cool, dry, dark place for best results.

Heirloom Seed Collections and Seed Vaults

All Heirloom Seed Collections and Heirloom Seed Vaults are pulled and packed with fresh seeds at the time you place your order. All seeds are living organisms and have a shelf life, they will not last forever. Seed Vaults will last at least 2 full seasons at full germination rates, and 3-6 years with lesser germination rates if stored in a cool, dry, dark location. Click Here!

Large Family Heirloom Seed Collection Seed Vault - St. Clare Heirloom Seeds Do not use an oxygen absorber when storing your seeds, seeds are living and need air!

"Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage." Winston Churchill

seedingseeding 1From Seed to Harvest: Explore Our Gardening Blog

In every post, find helpful information for each step of your gardening adventure, from nurturing the smallest seedlings to enjoying the beauty of a fruitful harvest. Click Here!

Listen to Garden Blog Articles with our Text-to-Speech audio player feature for a seamless, hands free experience. Whether you’re multi-tasking, visually impaired, or just prefer to listen, articles are brought to life with clear, engaging narration, improving your gardening skills wherever you are.

Choosing the Right Seeds: How Open-Pollinated, Heirloom, Hybrid, and GMO Seeds Differ

beansWhen choosing the right seeds for your garden, the terms “Heirloom” and “Non-GMO” often come up. Understanding these terms is essential for gardeners who want to ensure they’re using natural, high-quality seeds that can be saved for future plantings. At St. Clare Heirloom Seeds, all of our seeds are Non-GMO and open-pollinated, making them a reliable choice for home gardeners who care about the origins and purity of their plants. Read More...

Organic Gardening 101: Master the Basics of Growing a Chemical Free Garden

Organic Gardening 101: Master the Basics of Growing a Chemical Free GardenOrganic gardening was for a while seen as something only the super health-nuts or hippies did. But, not so anymore, we are all becoming aware that the methods of gardening with chemicals that have become popular in recent generations are no healthier than the awful stuff called margarine.

The more research that has come out showing the terrible side effects of synthetic fertilizers and the chemicals in commercial pesticides and herbicides, the more we realize, the hippies had something there! Funny thing, though, organic gardening is really not so recent as all that. Thousands of years of gardeners before us grew only with organic methods. Here we’ll delve a bit into the whys of going organic, and a couple starting points to begin with if you aren’t already on the bandwagon. Read More...

Heirloom Seed Varieties for Extreme Heat Conditions

Heirloom Seed Varieties for Extreme Heat ConditionsAs we head into the months where things are starting to warm up, we look to Summer’s coming. We thought we’d highlight a bit of seed varieties that do better in hot climates, especially for our friends who live in places like zones 9 and 10. For hotter seasons and climates a little creativity is needed in figuring out what you can grow when it really HEATS up. So, we have compiled a list of which of our seeds will do best for those in extreme heat areas, but also those who live in warmer areas and want veggies and fruits to thrive in the heat of Summer. Hope you find this helpful! God bless! Read more...

Gardening for Beginners: Learn the Basics of Growing an Awesome Garden!
Gardening for Beginners: Learn the basics of growing a fabulous garden - St. Clare Heirloom Seeds

If you’ve never experienced the joy of gardening, now is the perfect time to start. Gardening for beginners is not only a great way to relax and enjoy the outdoors, but it also offers gentle exercise and a rewarding sense of accomplishment.

Learn the basics of growing a fabulous garden - Click here to learn more!

 Avoid Seed Cling! 4 Tips When Storing Seeds in Ziplock Bags

Avoid Seed Cling! 4 Tips When Storing Seeds in Ziplock BagsWe use ziploc bags inside of our paper seed envelopes. This setup protects seeds from moisture and makes them easy to access, use, and reseal. However, small seeds can sometimes cling to the sides of the plastic bags due to static. Here are some handy tips to release seeds stuck by static cling. Read More...

Ziplock Bags and Static Cling: Tips for Handling Seeds

Heirloom Vegetable Seed Lifespan: How Long Do Your Seeds Last?

Heirloom Vegetable Seed Lifespan: How Long Do Your Seeds Last?Seeds are living organisms that require proper care and attention to remain healthy and viable until it’s time to plant them. Even when seeds are dormant, they are still actively maintaining life processes, making it crucial to store them in the right conditions to preserve their viability. Understanding the heirloom vegetable seed lifespan is key to ensuring that your seeds stay healthy for as long as possible. The ideal storage environment should be cool, dry, and dark. Exposure to heat and moisture can cause seeds to deteriorate quickly, while light can trigger unwanted growth processes before you’re ready to plant. Read More...

Click here for a list of the average seed life of each type of Heirloom Seed.

How to Properly Store Garden Seeds for Emergency Preparedness

beansThe length of viability of heirloom vegetable garden seeds depends upon the variety. Some will only keep a high germination rate for one or two years, others will keep well for ten years. For either case length of viability and preservation of germination rate can be achieved the longest by freezing seeds (Note: heirloom garden seeds must be 8% moisture or below to freeze them, in the quotes below you find how to tell if they are dry enough). A great resource to answer the question of how long each variety will store is a book we carry and frequently reference ourselves titled” Seed to Seed” by Suzanne Ashworth. Read more...

Step by Step Guide to Growing Fabulous Microgreens

Collard Champion Microgreen Seeds - St. Clare Heirloom Seeds

Whether you’re a beginner or experienced gardener, growing microgreens indoors is a snap with the following easy step-by-step instructions.  All you will need are a few empty containers, (deli or lunch meat containers work great, save money, and are a way to recycle what you have on hand), soil, water, and light, and you can grow microgreens all year round.  Microgreens are super nutritious, grow quickly, require very little space, and are one of the easiest things to grow. They can be expensive to purchase, but you can easily grow your own, and add these super nutritious and flavorful veggies to your diet. If you have kids, this is a gardening project they can easily join in with, too. Our kids love helping grow(and eat!) our microgreens. Let’s dive right in and show how easy it is to grow them! Read More...

Composting in Fall: How to Make the Most of Fallen Leaves and Garden Waste

Composting in Fall: How to Make the Most of Fallen Leaves and Garden WasteAs the vibrant colors of autumn start to fade and the temperature drops, homeowners and gardeners are left with an abundance of fallen leaves, garden trimmings, and end-of-season plant debris.

Instead of viewing this seasonal accumulation as waste, fall presents an excellent opportunity to enrich your soil through composting! By turning fallen leaves and garden waste into nutrient-rich compost, you can create a valuable resource for your garden that will help benefit your garden in future seasons. In this guide, we will explore the benefits of composting in fall, discuss effective composting techniques, and provide tips to optimize your composting process during the autumn months. If you’ve ever wanted to learn composting in the fall, but felt daunted by the learning curve, this article may be just what you need to get started! Read More...

Why Heirloom and Open Pollinated seeds?

That is a very important question today. Heirloom and open pollinated seeds and their preservation and continuation are vital to the future of us all. As more and more seeds are being genetically modified these days, and hybrids are flooding the market, true-to-type home grown heirloom and open pollinated seeds are in danger of extinction. Some of the major seed companies want to control the seed market and force people to return to them for their vegetable garden seeds.

We must not allow this trend to win out. Hybrids and GMOs are geared to modern agriculture's mass productions. They aim to produce higher yields and more uniform size and maturity times of fruits and plants. These features do not matter to the average home-gardener or small market grower. In this focus on breeding for specific characteristics that is geared to mass production, much has been lost in the flavor and nutrition department, with unhealthy side effects for us all.

Our mission here at St. Clare Heirloom Seeds is to take part in the movement to reverse this trend for ourselves, and you our customers. Do you remember those delicious heirloom vegetables out of your grandmother's garden? How about how fun it was to plant those heirloom and open pollinated seeds with her, as she told you how those seeds had been passed down from generation to generation? Nothing tastes better than those old-fashioned heirloom vegetables, straight out of the garden, or your own harvest preserved and stored and brought out on a cold winter day, for all to enjoy. We want to provide you with the best heirloom vegetable seeds, pure, healthy, non-GMO, non-hybrid, untreated, and true-to-type! Our desire is to ensure that generations to come will enjoy the experience of gardening with heirloom and open pollinated seeds. That those who follow us will enjoy the wonderful old-fashioned flavor and goodness of home grown heirloom and open-pollinated vegetables, and experience the wonder of the cycle of gardening with open-pollinated seeds. Plant the seed, watch it grow, feed it, water it, select seeds from the best heirloom fruit, carefully save the seeds and store them, waiting expectantly for next year's gardening season to come around, and start the process all over again, growing the same great vegetable variety you love.

The health benefits of growing with heirloom and open pollinated seeds are great, as well. The seeds are safe and healthy, and when you grow them in your own backyard, free of chemicals and pesticides, you know right where they came from and that they are chemical-FREE! Besides the nutritional value of the fruits you grow, you get exercise and fresh air when gardening, both very important to healthy living. And if you garden together as a family you can slow down a bit from the daily grind, and enjoy each other, teaching your young ones the value of good healthy hard work, and getting to know them better.

We pledge to do our very best to serve you, helping to make your heirloom gardening experience truly enjoyable. It is our desire that you will be well pleased with our products, our service, and your experience ordering from us.

We ask you to join us in passing on the tradition of growing and saving your own heirloom and open pollinated seeds. Let us work together to preserve our heritage, ensuring genetic diversity in vegetable seeds, and reassurance of true-to-type reproduction in our heirloom plants, for our children, grandchildren, and generations on down the line!

Let us unite to preserve the freedoms intended for us by our forefathers who lived, and fought, and died that we might enjoy the rights so dear to us all. God Bless America!

Some people, in order to discover God, read books. But there is a great book: the very appearance of created things. Look above you! Look below you! Read it. God, whom you want to discover, never wrote that book with ink. Instead, He set before your eyes the things that He had made. Can you ask for a louder voice than that?
- St. Augustine of Hippo

One of the most inspiring things in life is to enjoy the beauty of God's creations in the great outdoors. The gardener knows this joy personally. This joy one experiences in gardening is a gift from the Creator of all things in His perfect love and care for us. When we study nature or grow things in our garden we can see His handiwork. When you watch a plant grow from a seed in the perfect order given it by God, think with wonder of our God, it is amazing! All of Creation was given to us as a gift. Let us thank Him in all things! May the joy of gardening be yours this season!

We would like to mention, St. Clare Heirloom Seeds is a home-based business. Due to this fact we are unable to accept guests. For the sake of our family's privacy, all business is done strictly over the internet or via mail, and we do not allow visits to our facilities. Thank you for your understanding!